Welcome Fellow Compatriots
Welcome to Sons of Confederate VeteransMechanized Cavalry
You have joined a group organized just for fun, the fun of combining two interests, that of riding motorcycles while supporting the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). Some of you have just joined the SCV and/or Mechanized Cavalry and have not had a chance of understanding the protocols of displaying the symbols, flags, "Colors", logo, and other designs that we use. Below are listed two intersecting thoughts that properly applied will make your membership become the utmost pleasure. If you or the man who recruited you do not understand fully the below subjects please contact your Captain (who will likely assign someone to help) before displaying any thing in the public representation of either group. If you do not, it could result in the discomfort/embarrassment of the SCV, Mechanized Cavalry, or yourself.
A. If new to the SCV, Southern heritage and our flags and symbols, you will find communities that will welcome you with open arms, and those that will seriously oppose you. For example some public schools will welcome you to do a "living history" program while others do not. In the spring of 2001 at a school in Houston, TX, a 14 year old boy was beaten so badly on the school grounds that he had to be hospitalized. His teacher and principal may have instigated this! His crime was wearing a T-shirt with a small Mississippi state flag printed on it. The SCV and Mechanized Cavalry have items with Confederate symbols that your children, wife, and yourself should display proudly, but in the right place and time.
B. If new to group motorcycling there are some things you should know about the public display of SCV and Mechanized Cavalry designs. In the first place the general public is not in favor of motorcyclists, and "A" above would apply ever more strongly. Then there is a more serious side. Several communities in this country have motorcycle clubs. Some of them object to any kind of "Colors" (logo, or form) displayed, especially on the rider’s back. Part of the problem is that what some may not object to in Maryland may not be acceptable to another group in Texas or Alabama. A Georgia club may even embrace you while, let’s say, a Florida group will vehemently oppose you. It should be said that the more you put on your back, the more descriptive, the more likelihood that some group will object, especially IF YOU ARE IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT. One thought is that Confederate symbols have no business being in certain environments that would dishonor our Confederate ancestors.
Do not let this discourage you. Knowing the facts and acting with reason should give you many enjoyable rides and times with your compatriots.
Again, if you do not fully understand please ask.
Confederately yours,
Kevin Stone, GeneralSCV Mechanized Cavalry, CSA
You have joined a group organized just for fun, the fun of combining two interests, that of riding motorcycles while supporting the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). Some of you have just joined the SCV and/or Mechanized Cavalry and have not had a chance of understanding the protocols of displaying the symbols, flags, "Colors", logo, and other designs that we use. Below are listed two intersecting thoughts that properly applied will make your membership become the utmost pleasure. If you or the man who recruited you do not understand fully the below subjects please contact your Captain (who will likely assign someone to help) before displaying any thing in the public representation of either group. If you do not, it could result in the discomfort/embarrassment of the SCV, Mechanized Cavalry, or yourself.
A. If new to the SCV, Southern heritage and our flags and symbols, you will find communities that will welcome you with open arms, and those that will seriously oppose you. For example some public schools will welcome you to do a "living history" program while others do not. In the spring of 2001 at a school in Houston, TX, a 14 year old boy was beaten so badly on the school grounds that he had to be hospitalized. His teacher and principal may have instigated this! His crime was wearing a T-shirt with a small Mississippi state flag printed on it. The SCV and Mechanized Cavalry have items with Confederate symbols that your children, wife, and yourself should display proudly, but in the right place and time.
B. If new to group motorcycling there are some things you should know about the public display of SCV and Mechanized Cavalry designs. In the first place the general public is not in favor of motorcyclists, and "A" above would apply ever more strongly. Then there is a more serious side. Several communities in this country have motorcycle clubs. Some of them object to any kind of "Colors" (logo, or form) displayed, especially on the rider’s back. Part of the problem is that what some may not object to in Maryland may not be acceptable to another group in Texas or Alabama. A Georgia club may even embrace you while, let’s say, a Florida group will vehemently oppose you. It should be said that the more you put on your back, the more descriptive, the more likelihood that some group will object, especially IF YOU ARE IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT. One thought is that Confederate symbols have no business being in certain environments that would dishonor our Confederate ancestors.
Do not let this discourage you. Knowing the facts and acting with reason should give you many enjoyable rides and times with your compatriots.
Again, if you do not fully understand please ask.
Confederately yours,
Kevin Stone, GeneralSCV Mechanized Cavalry, CSA